Why I had to throw away ALL OF MY MAKEUP … (Difference between VEGAN & Cruelty Free products)

Hello beautiful people!!!

When I first came into this lifestyle I had to throw all my makeup away 😦 yes…. all my makeup

Yes brands like Este Lauder, Lancome and Mac were no longer my Go to products… at first I was a little heartbroken that I could no longer play with my makeup collection… but i couldn’t support the animal products and animal testing that these companies stood for!!! I also had to re consider my hair products, lotions and fashion choices ( which we will get to in a different Blog)

well anyway… I was feeling pretty down…then a light went on and I began to see this as an exciting new opportunity to play with NEW makeup!!!! so I gave all my make up away and… well… used the rest ( my favorites) until they were completely gone!!!

The first time I tried to look for a makeup product that fit within my lifestyle… I found myself Confused… I wanted to be as ethical as I could possibly be so I did some research on the internet.

There were numerous sites that provided list of Vegan makeup, I was so excited that there were so many brands to choose from… I went to the sites and ordered a BUNCH of new make up ( hey I had a good reason 🙂 ) when it all arrived at my doorstep I felt like I was reborn into a new world!!! so many things to play with!!!

and then…. some vegan friends saw my makeup and all Hell broke loose ( not really haha)… My new Vegan friends lectured me on my makeup use and how I could possibly still use this kind of make up… uhhhhh, but I did an internet search and chose Vegan makeup…

little did I know…

VEGAN make up has nothing to do with Cruelty-Free makeup….

Vegan Makeup means, NO Animal-derived Ingredients and by-products

Cruelty Free Makeup means, NO ANIMAL TESTING

clearly… I felt stupid and well…

Since there are no standard definitions for the term “vegan”, some may consider a product to be 100% vegan when:

1) it doesn’t contain animal products

or some may call a product vegan when:

2) it doesn’t  contain animal products AND it doesn’t  exploit animals in the process, in this case.. we are talking about animal testing

So in the case that you classify the term ‘vegan’ with the second instance, then it’s very important that you do your research,do a google search and hopefully you won’t make the same mistake I did 🙂

you will be able to find out what a company means when they call their products ‘vegan’.

The picture for this Blog shows you all the  logos you can find on products that ensure they’re not tested on animals and do not contain animal ingredients/by-products.

ALSO here is a link I found to the complete list, hope it helps


16 thoughts

  1. Great post – one person whose blog I love to look at is “Logical Harmony” because she keeps an updated list of vegan and cruelty free brands. I keep her list of cruelty free/vegan brands found at Target in my back pocket, such a life saver! Keep up the great work!

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  2. I just recently switched to vegan and cruelty-free. I was already eating a plant based diet but my biggest challenge was getting rid of everything i had that was not vegan nor cruelty-free. I was a bit overwhelmed and guilty at the same time. What I did was just used up as much products as I can and then i started purchasing cruelty-free products to replace them. I feel so much better since switching 🙂 Thanks for sharing your experience.

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